Miyuki Delica - DB0734 Chocolate Brown Opaque (5g)£2.90In stockAdd to wishlistquick lookAdd to wishlist
Miyuki Delica - DB0734 Chocolate Brown Opaque (5g) DB0734. Opaque. Approximately 1000 beads per 5 grams.FINISH: OpaqueCOLOURWAY: BrownSTYLE: Opaque In stock£2.90 quick look Add to wishlist
Miyuki Delica - DB0165 Cobalt Blue Opaque AB (5g)£2.95Out of stockAdd to wishlistquick lookAdd to wishlist
Miyuki Delica - DB0165 Cobalt Blue Opaque AB (5g) DB0165. Opaque AB. Approximately 1000 beads per 5 grams.FINISH: Opaque ABCOLOURWAY: BlueSTYLE: Opaque Out of stock£2.95 quick look Add to wishlist
Miyuki Delica - DB0233 Butterscotch Yellow Opaque Lustre (5g)£2.90Out of stockAdd to wishlistquick lookAdd to wishlist
Miyuki Delica - DB0233 Butterscotch Yellow Opaque Lustre (5g) DB0233. Opaque Lustre. Approximately 1000 beads per 5 grams.FINISH: Opaque LustreCOLOURWAY: YellowSTYLE: Opaque Out of stock£2.90 quick look Add to wishlist
Miyuki Delica - DB0312 Dark Copper Metallic Matte (5g)£5.35In stockAdd to wishlistquick lookAdd to wishlist
Miyuki Delica - DB0312 Dark Copper Metallic Matte (5g) DB0312. Metallic Matte. Approximately 1000 beads per 5 grams.FINISH: MetallicCOLOURWAY: CopperSTYLE: Opaque In stock£5.35 quick look Add to wishlist
Miyuki Delica - DB0175 Green Transparent AB (5g)£2.95In stockAdd to wishlistquick lookAdd to wishlist
Miyuki Delica - DB0175 Green Transparent AB (5g) DB0175. Transparent AB. Approximately 1000 beads per 5 grams.FINISH: Transparent ABCOLOURWAY: GreenSTYLE: Transparent In stock£2.95 quick look Add to wishlist
Miyuki Delica - DB0371 Golden Olive Metallic Matte (5g)£5.35Out of stockAdd to wishlistquick lookAdd to wishlist
Miyuki Delica - DB0371 Golden Olive Metallic Matte (5g) DB0371. Metallic Matte. Approximately 1000 beads per 5 grams.FINISH: MetallicCOLOURWAY: GreenSTYLE: Opaque Out of stock£5.35 quick look Add to wishlist
Miyuki Delica - DB0054 Peachy Gold Transparent AB (5g)£2.90Out of stockAdd to wishlistquick lookAdd to wishlist
Miyuki Delica - DB0054 Peachy Gold Transparent AB (5g) DB0054. Transparent AB. Approximately 1000 beads per 5 grams.FINISH: Transparent ABCOLOURWAY: OrangeSTYLE: Transparent Out of stock£2.90 quick look Add to wishlist